Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mesothelioma Prevention

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer caused by asbestos. Statistics show that from 2000 to 3000 new cases of mesothelioma every year. Mesothelioma it comes to preventing the removal of the cause of the disease: asbestos. The number of mesothelioma cases in relation to operating, while non-specific field or secondary cases of mesothelioma are not uncommon. Mesothelioma prevention should start by knowing the sources of asbestos,and know how to remove them.

Certain types of workers are at high risk for mesothelioma based on the type of employment they considered. The following are considered as high risk workers into consideration:

Maurer, dock workers, drywall contractors, electricians, drillers, miners, sheet metal workers, painters, mechanics (exposure to asbestos in brakes and clutches), and building inspectors
Professions, the manufacture of asbestos, such as fire protection and includeSanitation, manufacture of gaskets, tiles, pipe coverings, and cement
Workers in asbestos manufacturing plants
Employed in the yards, marshalling yard, oil refinery, and in the construction industry

For people who are in the trade described above, you ensure that the workplace rules than the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for the prevention of mesothelioma have been defined so far. Some asbestos fibers can attach to hair, skin and clothing, and you can put yourFamily is at risk if brought home. For mesothelioma, prevention, federal employees now have a few precautions, including the prosecution:

Showering before leaving work
Save clothes separately from work clothes at work
Change work clothes into street clothes before leaving the workplace
Wash work clothes at work

Some studies have also shown that have employees who smoke, higher chances of developing mesothelioma than those whonot.

Studies show that non-occupational exposure in public buildings, schools and shown homes also occur, as is asbestos used in building materials such as insulation and plumbing sectors. Use of asbestos in building materials and color was prevalent mainly from the 1930s to the 1970s. For non-occupational mesothelioma Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends a series of steps.

Asbestos was used in the manufacture of roofs, siding shingles, vinyl floorTiles, adhesives, stove pads, and hot water pipes. Have built houses, can be used before the 1950s, and the likelihood of asbestos-containing products. If you suspect the presence of asbestos in your home, removing samples of building materials and tested in the laboratory of asbestos a pro.

Please do not disturb asbestos-containing materials. This will only release fibers into the air, which can be inhaled into the lungs. Do not sweep asbestos-containing materials, or sand, scrape, and holes inMaterials that contain asbestos. Contact has a professional asbestos abatement or removal remove asbestos materials from home.

If there is asbestos on the ground or any surface of your home, never sweep or vacuum, as it will only lead to fibers in the air. Contact has a professional asbestos abatement immediately for the proper removal of the fibers.

Public buildings should do the same steps as mesothelioma prevention of building materialsscanned, cleaned and removed by asbestos professionals.

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