Friday, April 8, 2011

"The Dust," Part I

In this short scene from our feature documentary, LIBBY, MONTANA, three former WR Grace employees talk about what it was like to work for the company in Libby. Les Skramstad worked in the mill only two years, but died of mesothelioma in 2007. Bob Wilkins was the local union rep for mine workers. He died of asbestos related disease in 2002. Dru Carr and I shot the interviews with Les and Bob in 2000. Earl Lovick was the plant manager for many years. His commentary here is from a videotaped deposition recorded during a civil case against WR Grace in the 1990s. Lovick died in 1996. For more information about the film, trailers, audio downloads, external links, reviews, blogs and more please visit the two official web pages for the movie:

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