Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Asbestos Disease Mesothelioma 1980 US Navy

Malignant mesothelioma (meso) is the story of Americans who worked hard to build and defend this country. For 50 years, America's industrial and building trades workers, Navy personnel and many others were exposed to asbestos. The so-called "miracle mineral" was common in the workplace and on Navy ships and in shipyards.When workers brought the asbestos fibers home each night in their clothes and hair, their families were also exposed. Millions more Americans are being put at risk today, because of all of the asbestos that remains present in occupational settings; in buildings such as homes, offices and schools; and in a wide variety of products. The incidence of mesothelioma still has not peaked in the US, and is growing to epidemic proportions in other parts the world. Meso was identified in the medical literature by the late 1940's. However, for decades the need for research to develop effective treatments for meso patients was ignored, obscured by the legal, economic and political aspects of asbestos. Each year, according to mesothelioma facts and statistics, approximately three thousand or more Americans develop this malignant tumor that -- after a latency period of ten to fifty years -- aggressively invades the linings of the lungs, abdomen, heart or testicles. For more on mesotheilioma, go to the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundatio, a nonprofit collaboration of patients and families, physicians, advocates, and researchers dedicated to eradicating the life ...


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