Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chair Massage with and without massage char. Part 1

Utilization of special massage chair is much more comfortable for therapists and clients, and a therapist who uses such equipment looks more professional. Boris recommends performing massage in sitting position using specialized massage chair. Having said this, there are circumstances when space for such equipment is not available and knowing alternative technique could prove very useful. You are viewing short fragments from Boris' instructional DVD#6, where almost for 2 hrs Boris demonstrates hands-on full body protocol with and without massage chair. Additionally he proposes ancient Chinese techniques on silk. Proposedtechniques also can be very beneficial, and contributing to comfort and well-being for patients, who is suffering from mesothelioma, and other types of cancer, especially at time of remission and recoveries. Many studies and clinical observation suggest that at the time of chemotherapy, utilization of massage boosts energy and helps to keep it at a higher level, increases appetite, fights off depression, anxiety. Not less importantly massage techniques also improve much-needed immune system functions. To find out more about the instructional dvd #6 please click the link below: Proposed techniques also can be very beneficial, and contributing to comfort and well-being for patients, who is suffering from mesothelioma, and other types of cancer, especially at time of remission and recoveries. Many studies and clinical observation ...

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