Thursday, July 19, 2012

Steve McQueen's Viceroy Ads

When I first started posting videos in YouTube one of my earliest postings was of Steve McQueen pitching Viceroy Cigarettes. I had an open and closing bumper that mentioned Steve's death as a result of flung cancer....and a "please don't smoke" ending. People came out of the woodwork cheerfully suggest that McQueen's death had "nothing to do with cigarettes." It is true...Steve's cancer was mesothelioma...the variety usually attributed to asbestos exposure. In late October 1980, McQueen flew to Ciudad Juárez to have the metastatic five-pound abdominal tumors removed, despite the warnings of his US doctors that the tumor was inoperable and that his heart would not withstand the surgery. McQueen died of cardiac arrest one day after the operation. Shortly before his death, McQueen had given a medical interview in which he blamed his condition on asbestos exposure. While McQueen felt that asbestos used in movie soundstage insulation and race-drivers' protective suits and helmets could have been involved, he believed his illness was a direct result of massive exposure while removing asbestos lagging from pipes aboard a troop ship during his time in the Marines. Regardless of that, McQueen was a heavy cigarette smoker and a daily marijuana smoker. Whether the tobacco and weed caused the cancer or not, you can BET that neither helped.

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