Monday, November 16, 2009

Mesothelioma Cancer - The Fear Factor

The following factors indicate the horrible nature of the disease.

Exposure to asbestos particles leads to a dreaded disease called mesothelioma. It is a form of cancer affecting the lungs, abdomen and heart. It is a fatal disease and has no cure to date.The most pathetic aspect of the disease, the time gap between exposure to asbestos and the occurrence of mesothelioma, which develop as long as 20 to 30 years.By the time, the victim is symptoms, coughing blood,troubled breathing, it is often mistaken for pneumonia. Only an expert physician to treat cancer will be able to identify the disease.Factors as the duration of exposure, intensity of exposure to asbestos particles, shape, size and chemical elements of the bundle of fibers to determine the amount of damage caused by these fibers caused the victim's body. The longer the particles remain in the alveolar region is toxic to the larger particles inhaled the lesser damage.Peopleworkplace that is yards, first building sites, mining and manufacturing plants are typically exposed to asbestos particles over a long period of time are stored and are therefore prone to greater chances of the occurrence of mesothelioma. when mining was started when there were no reports on deaths. A few decades later, no fewer than 85 deaths were reported, the cause instead of asbestos exposure.Secondary or indirect exposure to these particles is, if the workers performing asbestosParticles in their clothing and there are many cases in which mothers and children were very strong at this cancer.While the main reason for contracting mesothelioma than asbestos exposure affected people who smoke or smoke from her cigarette twice the risk of mesothelioma cancer.

Thanks To : healthinsurance