Thursday, December 17, 2009

Causes and Treatment of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer, caused primarily by exposure to asbestos fibers. In fact, a mesothelioma cancer is the mesothelium, the sheath that important organs like the lungs (pleurum), heart (pericardium) and covers the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Pleural mesothelioma is by far the most common Article

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they become embedded in the lining of the lungs. Duetheir small needle-like size, are not the normal defense mechanisms of the body is able to recognize them. As a rule, no foreign matter such as this are either coughed or be removed by an accumulation of mucus around them. But asbestos. They cause inflammation of the lungs and tissue damage, scarring and coughing. These are the first symptoms of asbestosis, although asbestosis is not mesothelioma.

No one knows exactly why cancers develop, but once the cancer cellsformed in the pleura, it gradually becomes thicker, and is limited in time and causes shortness of breath and coughing. What is known as "pleural effusion" comes known as the fluid of the pleura, designed to lubricate the movement of the lungs to other organs of the nearby building and exerts pressure on the lungs. The thickening of the pleura continues as an increasing number of cells, the development of cancer, until death eventually occurs.

The effect of smoking

Although smokingis known that a number of cancers result, they do not promote themselves mesothelioma. But this is a patient exposed to asbestos and also smokes, will have influence on the disease as a non-smoker will contract. This is why smokers are, in general, lower amounts of compensation than non-smokers with the same disease. However, it would be wrong to say that smoking is a cause of mesothelioma.

However, it is the cause of many other lung cancerIncreasing cases than mesothelioma caused by asbestos and smoking and asbestos together also the risk of lung cancer patients to develop a general, as caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos more than just mesothelioma. Asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma are not the same.


The main symptoms are shortness of breath, weight loss, nausea and pain. This applies to all forms of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma is not only true. InFor peritoneal mesothelioma, the abdomen is very painful and swollen, as well as the pleural version causes tightening and swelling in the chest with pleural effusion. The pressure created can cause some pain, except that the cancer itself.


If the disease is not diagnosed early, then survival is unlikely. Therefore, any person who has previously worked in the asbestos industry or used asbestos in their employment policies, should have theirDoctor aware of this fact. You can then develop a timetable for periodic examinations to detect the first signs of the disease to be placed. If the condition is recognized early enough, most treatments can be used effectively, and surgery is much more likely to be effective if the affected area is in a position to be isolated.

If you have contracted the disease, Stopping smoking is essential, and you must try to avoid all infections of the lungs and airways. It is possible to haveCondition treated, but if diagnosed too late, then palliative treatment and tend to be aimed at the patient as comfortable as possible.

It is therefore imperative that people take a history of contact with asbestos, which ensure contact their doctor immediately in order that, if the symptoms are, it can be done discovered before any permanent damage. Only then can one hope for a cure and successful recovery from this insidious disease.

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