Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment: An Introduction

Mesothelioma is a rare but very complicated form of cancer. It is generally of persons engaged in mining and other asbestos-contracted asbestos industries, where the air is permeated with very minute asbestos dust particles that are inhaled during breathing. These particles are so small that they can only be seen under the microscope. These dust particles enter the lungs, intestines, heart and other vital organs of the human body. Symptomsthe disease do not appear immediately, they have a very long incubation period. But as soon as they appear, they have become life-threatening and lead to a low survival rate.

The irony of the situation is that in most cases the person is not in a position to interpret the symptoms when they arise. This is because symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, etc. can easily be taken for common ailments. The incubation period of symptoms is usually very long, sometimes over manyYears. This further compounds the problem because both the patient and the physician usually does not trace the origin of the problem at its root cause, ie the breathing of asbestos dust.

It is normal when treatment is not good for the patient to prepare a necessity, a page of history in recent years, the patient's life and work will be determined. The research begins with the family doctor refers the case to the mesothelioma specialists for their advice and thoroughTest.

Obviously the first step, as in any other medical problem begins with the preparation of the work history of the patient and carrying out diagnostic examinations to confirm the suspicion aroused by it too. The physical examination includes X-rays of the heart, lungs and abdomen, MRI and CT scans, biopsies, etc., which can further confirm or contradict the original hypothesis. Once the diagnosis of the extent, the variety and age of the disease is confirmed, amultispeciality board of doctors meet to plan the treatment. The treatment of mesothelioma is coordinated with the regular occurrence of clinical trials of new studies. Nevertheless, the general treatment of the disease is surgery to remove the affected tissue or organ. In addition to this, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also prescribed to kill the cancer cells.

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